We promised pictures a while back. We never got them, so you won't either. Unless you're the guy who wouldn't leave us alone for taking them when we bust some Marmite balls in Coventry about a month ago.
We also should blog more than once a month, but we could sit here and write stuff you're probably not going to read, or go away and make things you're probably never going to see. We're the hands on types so we've been working away, covering ourselves with a thin even layer of fibreglass, inside and out, and in doing so made some pretty neat stuff.
This stuff, we plan to take down south for the next leg of Marmite Prize 2010/11. It's the judging ceremony, so in an opportunity to burn any potential bridges we might ever have with Bill Woodrow and Marcus Harvey, we're off to detect at the prize giving ceremony. Bill donated the trophy, which we're going to certificate also, but we're most excited about Marcus, he's judging (alongside others). Now, we're not just judging art, we're judging judging.
The Nunnery, Bow. Thursday. 6.30. Be there.