
Somehow we missed this.

Last year at the end of March, we were checking out all the funky things going on in the art world and somehow managed to miss this.

It's a performance piece called Interior Semiotics by Natacha Stolz aka Gabbi Colette. And it is shit. Absolutely shit.

We felt so strongly about how shit it is, we felt the immediate need to blog about its shittiness.

We advise that if you object to an imbecile fumbling to open a can of somethingorother for around 2 minutes, then rubbing it into and onto herself, cutting open her jeans, rubbing/ramming it into her vagina, producing a disgusting brown liquidy residue in doing so, and then some fucking idiots applauding, that this video is not for you. In fact, if you've the power of sight, hearing, or any senses whatsoever, this video is not for you. Even if you have no senses, nor sense, nor arms, legs, spine nor brain that this video is not for you.

Natacha Stolz aka Cabbi Colette, you are a fucking idiot.

Happy New Year, arts fans!